Edited by
Ahrayahla Sicarii

The Hebrew Israelite Bible (HIB) is the first of it’s kind. This revised King James Version Bible displays the Name of The Most High God YAHAWAH in the Paleo Hebrew Script, and transliterates the biblical names of persons, places and things in what many call the Lashawan Qadash or Holy Tongue.

About Ahrayahla

As a Brooklyn native born and raised in the Baptist Church, I have always had a zeal for God and the Bible. One of my earliest memories was of my bible study instructor telling me that I would grow up to become a pastor. I attended a Christian school from Pre-K to 8th grade, I graduated from a Catholic high school before coming to Philadelphia for college; there, I attended Drexel University where I was an active member of the school’s Gospel Choir. Some time after graduation, I recalled the words of my bible study instructor, and sought to attend seminary school to become a pastor. Little did I know, The Most High God had bigger and better plans for my life. In February of 2018 I was in a car accident that completely totaled my car, while I was en route to discuss my seminary school endeavors. The Most High had brought me to one of my lowest points at that time, but I continued to study the Bible and search for the Truth. The summer of 2018 is when I came across a video of brothers from a 1 West Camp boldly proclaiming the Truth of the Bible on the streets. Shortly after, I felt the Holy Spirit calling me to join a body and help spread the Gospel. I began prospecting for Sicarii in October of 2018 and became a Soldier in early November. Early in my journey the Spirit lead me to learn and study Hebrew and Greek. After my first Passover, I began working on The Hebrew Israelite Bible. This is the culmination of 4 years of work and dedication, and I am deeply honored to present it to the nation of Yasharahla.

Kal Thawadath laYAHAWAH basham HaMashayach Yahawashi!!!